- info.srivt@gmail.com
- 08632950470 / 08634010911 / 9493936388
Srimaharshi Aarshavijnanadi Gurukula Mahavidyalaya (Virtual University)
- The effort is to compile and objectively and systematically study the contents and contributions of our ancestors, in the original, as far as possible, to avoid misinterpretation, communication gaps, vested interests etc. and to evolve a representation system for knowledge processing close to the originals and test them rigorously in the contemporary context for relevance, adaptation, extension, comparison with western and other modern systems etc.
- Application programs have been developed module-wise for each Vidya-sthana, with many tools and utilities to retrieve, analyse and hyperlink modules. An Authoring System with an editor, facilities to search from various indices, locate sources and insert them are created.
- The technical work from Vedic (Rushi-Proktha) sciences titled “Bharadwaja’s Ancient Aeronautics” by the author, presented during the “International Vedic conference” held in January 2002 at Haridwar, has detailed these aspects.
- Learning to practise the proper way’ and in tune with reality as seen, time-tested and established as a way of life by our ancestors, emphasising on noble thoughts and with the motto of ‘simple living and high thinking’, is to be encouraged.
- Arts, Commerce, Engineering, Medical, Legal, Humanities, and many such skills should be projected and learnt at par and purely based on aptitude without lop-sided societal biases and research encouraged in all spheres in a well-defined manner.
- Original research, study of original treatises, designing under-graduate, graduate, post-graduate, doctoral and post-doctoral courses at Knowledge Fundamentals/ Foundations, Knowledge Sciences, Knowledge Engineering/ Technologies and Knowledge Applications levels involving knowledge structures and cognitive structures for advanced research into languages and human communications, content creation in Indian languages for web-hosting, preparing reference works for Indian languages like dictionaries, Encyclopaedia, Thesaurus, translation dictionaries, descriptive catalogues of libraries, manuscript collections, speech databases, word-nets, e-learning systems etc., would have to be launched across the country in all universities and institutions of higher learning.
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Srimaharshi Aarshavijnanadi Gurukula Mahavidyalaya (Virtual University)